This Week's Headlines

SJC named a top online school in nation

May 3 candidate filing deadline nears

Trucker no longer sought in fatal crash

BAHEP holds Quasar banquet

Longtime resident Joe Bennett dies at 76

House catches fire in Sycamore Valley

IRS warns of possible tax scams

Joe Bennett dies at 76

Leader continues its Year in Review

JINYA Ramen Bar awards Melillo students certificates

CB decathlon competes at regional

SJC launches global logistics degree

Stuchbery Elementary celebrates Lunar New Year

Stuchbery recognizes Stallions of the month

Thompson Lions observe Chinese New Year

South Belt names Super Steers of the month

Key returnees lead Dobie softball

Longhorns’ track programs start fast at Kethan Relays

San Jac baseball wins five of seven

Boys’ basketball postseason in focus as bidistrict nears

Calhoun vows to soak in final season at UT-Arlington

Stuchbery Big Shoot Out winners

Atkinson Eagles compete during PISD’s BSO

Crawford, a Clear Creek ISD coaching legend, now owns a court at Clear Springs

Sharonda McDonald heads 2025 PISD Hall of Famers

Dobie baseball players earn collegiate scholarships

South Belt's Parks & Recreation

One of the major attractions of the South Belt-Ellington area is the many, varied recreation areas. The area has two major parks, maintained and constructed by the county, which serve as the north-south bookends to the South Belt area. For information or reservations, call Harris County, Precinct I at 713-440-1587.

Beverly Hills Park & Pool
Beverly Hills Park, operated by the city of Houston, was built in 1960 and includes 21 acres. This park has a 4,175-square-foot community center, swimming pool, tennis court, multipurpose pavilion, softball field, football/soccer/rugby field, practice backstop, picnic area, playground and lighted parking lot.

Beverly Hills Pool is open to the public at no charge. The park/pool is located at 9800 Kingspoint. For park information, call 713-948-9065. For pool information, call 713-948-9063.

Bishop ParkBishop Park
This 7-acre park is located in Sageglen on Blackhawk and is operated and maintained by Clear Brook City M.U.D.

The park features a gazebo for community events and family gatherings.

Volleyball, baseball and soccer facilities are available. A hike and bike trail is accessible. (See South Belt Hike & Bike.) Call 281-484-1562 for information.

Clear Brook City Park
This 10-acre park on Scarsdale Boulevard is a great community attraction. The park includes picnic areas, a hike and bike trail with exercise stations and baseball and soccer fields. The land was donated by Ayrshire Corp., and funding was through Clear Brook City M.U.D. development. Call 281-484-1562.

El Franco Lee Park
At 326 acres, El Franco Lee Park is the second largest in Harris County. EFL Park is best known for its wetlands and for the multiple-sports complex. Currently youth baseball and softball are using the fields. Concession stands and score booths have been added. Pasadena Independent School District has built a UIL baseball field, which will be shared by the district and others.El Franco Lee Park

The park now includes a 10,000-square-foot community center. The building features a 150-person capacity meeting room with full audio and video. The center caters to area seniors and nonprofit organizations. Senior activities are scheduled daily and consist of exercise classes, arts and crafts, dance, gardening and monthly bus trips. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For additional information on evening meetings or EFL Community Center usage contact Stephanie Gilder, center director at 281-464-9708 or fax at 281-464-9486.

The park has children's play equipment, restrooms, a pavilion and various facilities. Several soccer fields are in use with more planned for the future. EFL Park is located off Beltway 8, just south of Blackhawk Boulevard at 9400 Hall Road.

Since the land was purchased in 1984 through a city and county agreement, capital improvement expenditures have exceeded $3 million. The park closes at 9 p.m. For information, call 713-440-1587.

Frankie Carter Randolph Park
Frankie Carter Randolph Park is located at 5100 FM 2351 just northwest of Clear Brook High School. The 73-acre facility was purchased in 1979 with land/water conservation funds and county bonds. The park features a barbecue pavilion, shelter, tennis courts and a volleyball court. To reserve the barbecue pavilion or shelter, call 713-440-1587.

Highland Meadow Park & Pool
Highland Meadow Park is located on Brookmeadow. This park has a large open play area for various sports activities. Playground equipment is available.

There is a picnic area available for family enjoyment. Highland Meadow Pool is open in May and closes with the beginning of school. The pool is for residents of Highland Meadow and Woodmeadow only.

Hike and Bike Trail
The trail begins at 10700 Blackhawk. An asphalt parking lot is located at the start of the trail and at the midway point at Scarsdale and Blackhawk.

There is a paved parking lot adjacent to the trail in Clear Brook City MUD's Bishop Park on Blackhawk.

The asphalt walking, jogging, biking trail is a loop that, if begun at the starting point at the 10700 block of Blackhawk and completed back to that location, is approximately six miles. If trail users start and finish at the Scarsdale and Blackhawk parking lot, they will have completed approximately three miles.

Two stretching and exercise stations are available at each parking lot.

Eight rest benches are located along the trail with posted quarter-mile markers.

Kirkmont Park
Kirkmont Park is located at Blackhawk and Hall Road. There are benches and water fountains. A walking trail is available. Watch for further improvements.

Kirkwood South Park
Kirkwood South Park, located at 10700 Sagetrail, is 3.5 acres. The park features two lighted tennis courts, playground equipment, a water fountain, two adult swinging benches, two covered shelters, a backstop, a quarter-mile walking/jogging asphalt trail, security lighting, picnic tables and barbecue pits. For information, call 713-440-1587.

Sageglen Park & Pool
Sageglen Park is located on Sageyork at Sagegreen. Tennis courts, playground equipment and a swimming pool are available. The pool is open in May and closes with the beginning of school.

The Sageglen pool requires membership and is open only to Sageglen residents. Call 281-481-6578 for pool information.

Sagemeadow Park
Sagemeadow Park, located in the 11200 block of Sageyork, is 3.5 acres.
It closes at 10 p.m. daily. The park has two lighted tennis courts.
Playground equipment is available with water fountains and security lighting.

A lighted basketball court with covered rest shelter is provided. A backstop and quarter-mile walking/jogging asphalt trail, picnic tables and barbecue pits are also available. For information, call 713-440-1587.

Sagemont Recreation Center & Pool
Sagemont Pool at 11507 Hughes Road is operated by the city of Houston during the summer months. For information regarding swimming pools, contact aquatics at 713-845-1009 or 281-922-2312. Sagemont Pool is open to the public.

The adjacent Sagemont Recreation Center provides area youth after-school enrichment programs, which emphasize fitness, awareness, crafts, self-esteem and field trips.

Year-round sports are offered for ages 4 and up. For information, call 281-922-2343.

The recreation center has a free immunization program. It also has a free tennis program, and a golf program is offered at Law Park on Mykawa.

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