Advertising in the South Belt-Ellington Leader
Leader's ad deadline is Tuesday at noon
Non-business Leader Reader ads are $8 per 25 words for one week, $21 per 25 words for three weeks. Business Leader Reader ads are $10 per 25 words for one week or $28 per 25 words for three weeks. Leader Reader ads are not taken over the phone or fax. Leader Reader ads must be paid for with cash or check (no credit cards). Make checks payable to: South Belt-Ellington Leader. Ads with payments can be placed in either of the two mail slots next to the double glass doors in front of our building (facing Beamer) at 11555 Beamer. Deadline for a Leader Reader ad is Tuesday at noon.
Display ad prices are based on column inches (a column inch is 1 inch high by approximately 1.4 inches wide). For more pricing and samples of ad sizes download our price sheet.
Phone, 281-481-5656
Fax, 281-481-5730
11555 Beamer, Houston, Texas 77089